Ecotour Platform
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Esti un manager, un expert tehnic in industria
turismului sau un formator ce doreste
sa utilizeze un instrument de predare inovator?

Vreti sa obtineti cunostinte, abilitati si competente
pentru calificarea Manager Energetic in Turism ?

Afla mai multe

Incepeti acum

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Sistem de auto-invatare pentru managerii si personalul
din industria turismului

Acces prietenos, rapid si simplu la materialele de instruire
cu privire la managementul energiei si a resurselor naturale

Instrument de auto-evaluare cu privire la cunostintele

Zona de formare cu diferite continuturi si instrumente utile

O sectiune interactiva pentru a face mai activ procesul de
invatare si evaluare

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Incepe acum

Frequently Asked Questions

This is where we write the answer. We should write a complete answer, so that the user will have his questions answered without having to use the contact form.

This is where we write the answer. We should write a complete answer, so that the user will have his questions answered without having to use the contact form.

This is where we write the answer. We should write a complete answer, so that the user will have his questions answered without having to use the contact form.

This is where we write the answer. We should write a complete answer, so that the user will have his questions answered without having to use the contact form.

This is where we write the answer. We should write a complete answer, so that the user will have his questions answered without having to use the contact form.

This is where we write the answer. We should write a complete answer, so that the user will have his questions answered without having to use the contact form.

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